Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Their real value

My workshop is a giant mess. Apart from the usual tools and junk I recently added 70 meters of random length 300mm wide cedar skirting board to the obstacle course. The story goes that the 100 year old boards were removed from a Nursing Home in Cremorne Sydney a couple of decades ago by a fellow who had intended to use them for his building project. This obviously didn’t happen so in search of cash and floor space, he advertised the timber. Even though it was a 6 hour round trip, I couldn’t resist. This will look perfect in our upstairs bedrooms. Picking them up was an adventure, even the satnav had trouble finding the place and on the return trip we were caught in a deluge that would have made Noah think twice. But their story doesn’t end there.
I am spending about an hour per metre stripping back several coats of paint and 80 years of grime. Next, they’ll get bundled onto the trailer for the 3 hour ride to our property before being laid out on the back lawn. Finally, like a giant puzzle, we’ll figure out the most economical way to cut the boards so they can be reborn as prized skirting once again. The dollar cost of the boards was pretty low, a couple of dollars a metre – but that's not their real value.

The value of a man is about $1 in terms of trace elements. Thankfully God doesn’t value us in that way, He looks at us and sees the whole exciting story. Luke 12:6-7 (NIVUK) spells it out.
"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

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